Backed by science and education professionals.
How Our Program Works
What Makes Our Program Unique
Campus teachers are employed to implement our after-school tutoring program. They receive around 100 hours of professional development offered virtually or in-person. Skills covered include data driven instruction, phonics, guided reading, and social-emotional strategies.
CAR teachers deploy new skills in their classrooms, share best practices with their colleagues, and enjoy additional leadership opportunities. This multiplies our impact campus-wide.
After-school tutoring enables the schools’ lowest performing 1st-3rd grade students to be matched with CAR’s highly trained teachers. Each teacher works with a small group of students, while receiving dynamic coaching and support from CAR staff.
Students receive approximately 70 hours of teacher-directed intervention, leading 92% of CAR students to make gains in reading proficiency. Tutoring is provided in both Spanish and English and offered at school or online.
Catch Up & Read incorporated technology into our model years ago because it is an excellent tool for teachers to track individual student learning and inform instruction. Computers cannot replace the trusted teacher-student relationship, but digital tools can provide personalization and reinforcement while equipping students with valuable 21st century skills.
Through our training, teachers are learning to more fully incorporate technology into daily lesson planning for both in-person and virtual learning.
Where We Work
Watch It Work
The stories of our students going from struggling to soaring are a constant inspiration to us. Check out this video to see how CAR impacted the life of one of our hard working students, Cruz.