Measurable results with lasting impact.

In the 2023-2024 school year…


Students Received Teacher-Directed Tutoring


Hours of Professional Development and Practicum Provided to 183 Campus Teachers


Local Elementary Schools Benefited from Catch Up & Read’s Program

Student Spotlight

CAR Drives Academic Gains

Catch Up & Read consistently outperforms national trends for literacy intervention programs.

  • 94% of students showed improved reading scores on MAP.

    95% of teachers reported that Catch Up & Read has made them a more effective teacher.

    1,100+ CAR parents participated in at least 1 CAR family engagement activity.

  • 100% of parents would recommend CAR.

    98% of CAR teachers believe their literacy coach developed their abilities to use best practices.

    100% of CAR teachers believe CAR tutoring improved CAR students’ confidence and performance.

    100% of school leaders surveyed would recommend CAR.

    100% retention rate of new teachers who participated in CAR.

  • 183 CAR teachers received training and coaching.

    793 students were directly impacted by reading intervention.

    2,955 total classroom students were impacted in 2023-2024 by Catch Up & Read trained teachers.

Increased Engagement

Be part of the change.