You can help us strengthen our most resilient students.

Partner with a School

Is your business or organization interested in forming a deeper, long-term partnership with a local school?

We would love to understand your core values and objectives and match you with one of our Catch Up & Read schools!

Partners help offset program costs and participate in volunteer opportunities that align with the talents and schedules of your employees. There are a variety of projects that are developed to create a win-win environment.

Submit the interest form to get started!

Fund a Program

CAR has a lot of programs that help support our teachers and encourage our scholars. We invite you to let us help you find one that fits your giving level. Here are a couple.

CAR Store: Our students work hard during their tutoring time and earn tokens as rewards for participation and positive attitudes. Each quarter, the CAR Store comes to their school where they can “purchase" trinkets and goodies.

Professional Development (PD) Meetings and Teacher Appreciation Gifts give us an opportunity to show the teachers our appreciation. Snacks are usually provide during PD meetings and various times throughout the year..

There are many other programs for you to learn about. Fill out this form to let us know you’re interested and we’ll get back to you right away!


Volunteering with Catch Up & Read is so much fun!

We need volunteers to support parent engagement, program celebrations and events, teacher recognition, campus beautification projects and becoming a reading buddy.  We also have opportunities for volunteers to help with event planning, communications and other areas that benefit the whole organization.

Fill out this form to let us know you’re interested and we’ll get back to you right away!

Make a one-time or recurring donation today!

📚 Donate books!

Browse our wish list and gift a book to a child in need. Every contribution, big or small, helps Catch Up & Read provide essential reading resources to students and teachers.